Your all-in-one Global People Platform

Worldwide Payments with Ease: Pay Anyone, Anywhere

Leave Behind Complexity: Streamline Payroll, Eliminate Errors, and Ensure Reliable Reporting.

Explore Global Hiring Opportunities

Ensure Compliance Without the Hassle of Managing Local Laws, Payroll, and Compliance.

Global Teams with Compliant Equity Solutions

Intelasa Consolidates Tax Reporting, Bringing Total Compensation into One Easy-to-Access Report.

Centralize and Simplify Operations

Ensure Compliance by Tailoring Onboarding and Policies to Local Laws and Practices Worldwide.

Get a 360-degree view of your product

Harness Performance Tools for Growth

Simplify Global Equity Offerings in Over 110 Countries with Compliance.

Centralize and Simplify Operations

Utilize Our Range of AI-Powered Tools for Goal Management

Ready to find out what attentive can help you achieve?

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